Monday, September 12, 2011

Everyone, meet Caleb!

Well I'm 3 weeks late with this post but can you blame me?  I've been a little busy.  :-P 

Caleb was born 6 days late at 1:21 pm on Thursday, 8/18/2011.  He was 8 lb 2 oz, 19 1/4 inches long, happy and healthy!

Here, have some pictures!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

39 weeks

Yes I am indeed still pregnant.  :-P  Every day that passes makes it more likely that tomorrow is the day, right?  :-)

Everything is great, now it's just a waiting game.  Glad things seem to be winding down on the 2 projects I'm involved in at work.  Makes it easier to not stress about passing things on when Caleb does eventually come.

That's it for now!  Can't wait to introduce Caleb to everyone.  I just know he's going to be adorable like his dad.  :-)

Monday, July 25, 2011

37 weeks! Holy Moly!

Well Caleb is officially full term!  I'm starting week 38 and man oh man is it hot!  We're at 20+ days over 100 degrees in a row, so I'm staying inside a lot, and sometimes I venture out to someone's pool.  :-P  I think I'm going to start walking around the half-acre backyard in the mornings.  I used to take the pups on walks earlier in my pregnancy, but being so close to the end and it being so hot, I don't think it's a good idea to be that far from home by myself in the heat anymore.  Hopefully the pups don't mind me walking around in circles.  I'm sure they'll think I'm nuts!

Just like I'm sure most new moms are, I'm a mix of anxious, nervous and excited.  I can't wait to meet the little alien who's been kicking my spleen for 9 months, but I know there's only one way to get him out!  Hopefully the delivery will go smoothly without complications.  But even if not, Heath will be there, Shelley will be there, and my doctor and nurses will be there, so I'll be ok.  Here's hoping Caleb comes sooner rather than later... it could be today, it could be a month from now!  We'll surely post pictures when the big day comes!  :-)

For now, here's a picture of me and my gigantic belly!

Monday, July 11, 2011

35 weeks... home stretch!

Well, Caleb is almost officially full term!  It's only a matter of time now  :-)  We can't wait to meet him and find out who he's going to be.  Everything is going well, I don't have much to complain about (no swelling, low BP, etc).  We had a couple of great baby showers and have everything we need... except the baby!  :-)  Here's hoping everything goes smoothly and Caleb makes his debut happy and healthy in the next few weeks!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

10 weeks left!

What's up blog followers?  I really hope I get better about posting here since not everyone in our circle of family/friends does Facebook, which is where I normally post stuff.  Let's see, what's happened in the last few months?

We recently got a 3D sono and it turns out Caleb is a little Heath clone, hee hee. We already have a ton of hand-me-down clothes from friends, which is a great blessing.  I'm getting a little overwhelmed with all the baby paraphernalia since I know virtually nothing about caring for an infant, but we're signed up for some classes at the hospital and I'm sure my mom and MIL will be over here a lot telling what I should and shouldn't be doing. I just want him to get here happy and healthy - I'm sure we can figure the rest out from there. :-)

The first question people have been asking me when they find out I'm expecting is whether I'll be going back to work. Of course I am, I work from home, I don't have much of an excuse not to. ;-) I'll probably take 10 weeks or so off, depending on how much short-term disability pay I can get my Dr. to approve me for.

After that the questions get a little more personal, like, will I be getting an epidural and such. I think there's enough proof that natural childbirth is in general better for mom and baby, that we're going to try the Bradley Method of husband-coached natural childbirth. We're not going through the 12-week course or anything - I just got a book about it - but I figure I did so much yoga-type breathing to get past my nausea the first 4 months of this pregnancy that I can maybe use the same technique to get through labor. It's hard to say because I have no idea what my pain tolerance will be, and I'm not so hardcore that I'll refuse to get an epidural if I really need one. I've had so many friends have great experiences with them. I guess I just want to try to go all-natural and if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. Kinda sounds like a cop-out but that's actually the attitude my Dr. recommends - she says the people who have these set-in-stone birth plans where XYZ will happen no matter what are the ones who have the most complications and end up having the exact opposite birth experience they want. Like I said, I just want him here happy and healthy, and the rest we'll figure out when we get there. :-)

Anyhow, that's pretty much my life right now. I've got 10 weeks left till my official due date. Seems like a short amount of time when I say it that way. 2 1/2 months sounds longer, I'll go with that. ;-)

Thursday, April 21, 2011


Well, I officially suck at updating my blog on any kind of regular schedule.  :-P  I'm a lot better at posting updates to my Facebook page, I just forget to come over here as well.  Lots of updates, though - so let's not dwell on that.  :-)

First things first - we found out we're having a BOY!  :-)  His name will be Caleb Coten White.  I've always liked the name Caleb, and Coten is Heath's middle name - it was his great granddad's name.  The name flows really well if you add an extra Texas twang to it, which I'm sure everyone in Heath's family will find effortless.

I've found that since this is the first grandbaby on BOTH sides, everyone is freaking out.  Like it's not a big enough deal already.  ;-)  I'm surprised at how well I'm dealing with the pressure, the worrying, the preparation.  It's a good thing Heath's cool-headedness has rubbed off on me after 5 years of marriage, or I'd probably be a basket case by now.

Anyway, here are some pictures of Caleb at 20 weeks, me at 21 weeks, and the bedding we picked - rocket ships!  Our next sonogram will be 3D in a month at 28 weeks.  Super excited about that, I hope we get some great images to share!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Big (Belated) Announcement

Looks like my goal of posting once a month isn't going so well.  ;-)  That's ok, because this post makes up for the ones I've missed recently.

Heath and I are happy to announce that we are expecting our first baby in August!  Hooray!  :-D