Skansen is a living museum for the Stockholm of the 1600's. Most of the buildings were moved from the main Stockholm area into this small, functional city.

Personnel wear authentic clothing and perform period jobs, like this hardware store owner. I couldn't resist taking a picture of the "early inventory system" as he called it. ;-)

My second errand was to get a pen holder for my coworker Mike from the handblown glass shop. I stopped to watch them make a few trinkets before buying myself a Christmas ornament as well.

We saw lots of thatched roofs in the cotswolds outside London, but this turf roof was a first for me! Yes, that's grass growing on the house!

Skansen is up on a huge hill, so I got some great views of downtown Stockholm!

This might be one of my favorite things in all of Skansen. It's an old observatory, but look at the walkway in front. The spheres and rectangular pillars (which have small gold spheres on them) represent the planets - and the concentric circles are their orbits! Neat!

This ampitheater has an original wood backing, but they added the curved roof and all the fancy sound equipment later of course. They've had some pretty famous concerts here, it's quite an attraction!

Obligatory nordic windmills.

Greenhouse with lovely yellow daffodills and some blue flower that looks kind of like a bluebonnet without the white.

Tree-lined walkway. I'm sure it's much less scary in the summer. ;-)

Mom, it could be worse - you could be teaching here! :-)

Where am I? Who am I? When am I?

Church building. The inside was too dark to get a good picture. :-/

Ooh, a piece of candy! Scratch that, LOTS of candy! :-)

Sheep! They had several breeds of native Scandanavian animals, but I didn't go to the kiddie zoo because it started raining and I wanted to leave myself enough time to see the Vasa!

Loom weaving. Someone should tell her knitting needles are much smaller. ;-)

I want one of these in my back yard! :-)
Skansen was lovely, I had a great time and highly recommend it if you ever find yourself in the area! :-)
Neat! Do the turf roof people have to mow their house? The town names on those signs look like something out of Lord of the Rings. Ooh, a piece of candy!!