I Took an evening flight from DFW to Paris, then on to Helsinki. Usually these flights connect through London, but they were re-routed because of that pesky volcano in Iceland. That thing had better behave so I can get home next week!
I didn't get a wink of sleep, but i did get this cool picture of the moon hovering over some cloud cover over the Atlantic ocean! :-)
And this one of the sunrise just before we landed in Paris.
Here's my hotel room at the Radisson in Helsinki. It's small but nice!
Here's my "closet" - not much space!

There's a nice TV and desk setup, and the big window is great. Helsinki is so far north that even in early spring, it gets light at about 4 am, so thick curtains are a must!

Teeeeeny tiny bathroom. What is it with Europeans and bathtubs?

Here's the central train station that's right around the corner from my hotel. I think it looks so cool at night. During the day it's full of people!

This is the main platform for all of the long-haul trains. The commuter trains are a little furter up, only The glass ceiling over this area is so striking, I had to take a picture.

I take the train to the Nokia office in Espoo every day. It's about a 20-minute ride. This is the Kera station where I get off the train and walk about a mile to Nokia.

Here's a picture of the huge courtyard between my hotel and the train station. I walk across here every day to get on the train. It's a great place for people-watching!

This is the main throroughfare alongside the courtyard. There are lots of restaurants and shops in this area. There's even a "Texas" restaurant on the end that advertizes texmex cuisine. I don't even want to try it - can't beat the real deal back in the states! :-)

Another shot of the courtyard toward the train station. This was taken on the only sunny day so far - otherwise it's been very cloudy, cold and rainy!
There's a nice TV and desk setup, and the big window is great. Helsinki is so far north that even in early spring, it gets light at about 4 am, so thick curtains are a must!
Teeeeeny tiny bathroom. What is it with Europeans and bathtubs?
Here's the central train station that's right around the corner from my hotel. I think it looks so cool at night. During the day it's full of people!
This is the main platform for all of the long-haul trains. The commuter trains are a little furter up, only The glass ceiling over this area is so striking, I had to take a picture.
I take the train to the Nokia office in Espoo every day. It's about a 20-minute ride. This is the Kera station where I get off the train and walk about a mile to Nokia.
Here's a picture of the huge courtyard between my hotel and the train station. I walk across here every day to get on the train. It's a great place for people-watching!
This is the main throroughfare alongside the courtyard. There are lots of restaurants and shops in this area. There's even a "Texas" restaurant on the end that advertizes texmex cuisine. I don't even want to try it - can't beat the real deal back in the states! :-)
Another shot of the courtyard toward the train station. This was taken on the only sunny day so far - otherwise it's been very cloudy, cold and rainy!
How cool! Thanks for sending the pics so we can see what it is like there. Enjoy it & look forward to having you back-as is Heath!
Great Moon Picture! I didn't know you had a blog! Will be following it!