What's up blog followers? I really hope I get better about posting here since not everyone in our circle of family/friends does Facebook, which is where I normally post stuff. Let's see, what's happened in the last few months?
We recently got a 3D sono and it turns out Caleb is a little Heath clone, hee hee. We already have a ton of hand-me-down clothes from friends, which is a great blessing. I'm getting a little overwhelmed with all the baby paraphernalia since I know virtually nothing about caring for an infant, but we're signed up for some classes at the hospital and I'm sure my mom and MIL will be over here a lot telling what I should and shouldn't be doing. I just want him to get here happy and healthy - I'm sure we can figure the rest out from there. :-)
The first question people have been asking me when they find out I'm expecting is whether I'll be going back to work. Of course I am, I work from home, I don't have much of an excuse not to. ;-) I'll probably take 10 weeks or so off, depending on how much short-term disability pay I can get my Dr. to approve me for.
After that the questions get a little more personal, like, will I be getting an epidural and such. I think there's enough proof that natural childbirth is in general better for mom and baby, that we're going to try the Bradley Method of husband-coached natural childbirth. We're not going through the 12-week course or anything - I just got a book about it - but I figure I did so much yoga-type breathing to get past my nausea the first 4 months of this pregnancy that I can maybe use the same technique to get through labor. It's hard to say because I have no idea what my pain tolerance will be, and I'm not so hardcore that I'll refuse to get an epidural if I really need one. I've had so many friends have great experiences with them. I guess I just want to try to go all-natural and if it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. Kinda sounds like a cop-out but that's actually the attitude my Dr. recommends - she says the people who have these set-in-stone birth plans where XYZ will happen no matter what are the ones who have the most complications and end up having the exact opposite birth experience they want. Like I said, I just want him here happy and healthy, and the rest we'll figure out when we get there. :-)
Anyhow, that's pretty much my life right now. I've got 10 weeks left till my official due date. Seems like a short amount of time when I say it that way. 2 1/2 months sounds longer, I'll go with that. ;-)